Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is a holiday near and dear to MELT's heart. We believe in growing relationships, in celebrating life and community, and definitely in good food. We are thankful for so much right now, but we wanted to take this short moment to express our gratefulness to all of our customers. You guys make MELT possible, and your support of everything we do means the world. From joining in our coat drives and giving days to help us grow a better, safer city, to bringing your families in and allowing us to participate in your birthday parties and happy memories, you guys make us even more proud of and passionate about our tiny, cone-scented shop. Every time we get to take your pictures against the yellow wall, every time we get to joke around across the counter, every time we share the ice cream we love, we get to believe a little more in the power of experiencing delicious things with the people who are special to us. So thank you for showing up, for smiling, and for investing, week after week. We love every one of you and can't wait for all the Taco Tuesdays, Saturday Specials, and everyday ice cream parties in our future. 

So much love,

The MELT Team