Birthday Surprises, Part 1


MELT's second birthday came and went on the 19th, and for anybody who was around for our first birthday, you may have noticed that this year was a bit low key in comparison. We're saving 2016's big, blowout bash for the opening of MELT 2.0, so there were no on-site t-shirt printings or menus full of specials last week. But, if you know anything about the MELT team, you know we love a party. And our scoopers, shift-leads, chefs, and managers couldn't just let this big day slide by without making sure it was properly recognized. So, without the knowledge of our esteemed owners, we started to plan.  All of that culminated when, last Monday night, Kari and Mark were lured to the shop for what they thought was a meeting, but ended up being a party, honoring both them and their newly two year old business. 

In addition to the party, the team also put together a little project called Mark and Kari's Super Cool Coupon Book. We know that running a couple businesses and doing construction on a shop probably takes a just a little bit of time, so we gave them some options of chores we could take off their plate, like dog walking, grocery shopping, car washing, the works.


Of course, we also had to have some awesome food, so there was homemade cake and hummus, as well as La Croix and mimosas. The shop was decorated, with yellow and white everywhere. We had flowers. It was pretty great, y'all. We had an awesome time just eating and talking, reminiscing over our favorite moments from the last two years and sharing excitement for the future.


We are so grateful to have been a part of each other's lives for the past couple years, and just as grateful to have been a part of our customer's lives! You guys have made every day possible, and added so much joy and community to all that we do! We can't wait to see where Year 3 takes us!!